31 December 2003


eat to  breath
breath to exhale jocko smoke
wake up to make mush
how i survive he wonders even asked
its been one long day ,  its constraining

low life ive lived for something divine
survival trivial to  my dreamy decko trip
cant stop stringing to go home , i have prism vision
im touched got struck with luck
came crawling back to make more mush
making mush since i was born
got success some ideas and shiny shirts
beach binge with the best music and
pool parties public for young people

so-so wonder  would you eat the sheet ,  i will
but before i change my scene or during i saw
looking up to mystery me moving  arms raised
some stormyminds goggle voiceless  awe outta-sight
some neophytes scrutinize engaged they dig  it
some valentine girls hint lovecast glimpses
cult virtuoso filming for his next
brother ego  dawn in shock confusion
misunderstood sometimes might be
but higher thinking wrote the movements
mad created something something
its  mush and its  the best i guess
friends in passing jiving to my latest groove
laugh how could doug sleep through this 

my mush puppies
learned to coexist with tidal waves of re-verb
no more peaceful a place ive since been
art to ear affection next to godly glory
i see visions , pellmell exhibitions, have i topped
warned to maybe make my pleasent memories soon
this must be my last hurrah
the sound of now , the open soul
no other place to go

inspired thereafter my esoteric disaster
confused dude me bewildered
kicking myself, my shattered pieces
so quickly collected and walked off
i loved it madly every micro minute

this mouse dystopia